BIO program is a new elite Israel Defense Forces (IDF) academic program, training the next generation leaders in advanced biological sciences. This flagship program hand-picks high school graduates with exceptional academic and interpersonal abilities to join the core of Israel's defense research and development. The academic training together with hands-on experience in technological leadership R&D positions will create an incubator for highly trained personnel to join and revolutionize the Israeli healthtech ecosystem similar to local trends in cyber and high-tech industry.
The four-year academic studies in computational biology (BSc, credit for MSc) at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, includes research work, and introduction to the Israeli biomed ecosystem. The program is led by the DDR&D (MAFAT), responsible for nurturing the defense establishment's most outstanding resource - human talent. The program was launched in October 2022.
For further information please contact bio.elite22@gmail.com
Target Audience
High school graduates with exceptional academic and interpersonal abilities, selected to join IDF's elite defense R&D teams.
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