A cross-sector leaders network actualizing the globally disruptive capability of Israel's HealthTech ecosystem

Israel’s HealthTech industry leverages the country’s human and digital assets to accelerate global cure and build a powerful growth engine for Israel.
Weave a globally connected network of Israeli HealthTech leaders, who collaborate across sectors and silos, to realize opportunities and close ecosystem gaps.

8400'S STORY
On a mission to drive an Israeli economic growth engine in HealthTech and accelerate global cure, 8400 The Health Network is weaving and enriching an active network of HealthTech ecosystem leaders, across silos and sectors, who learn together and create gap-closing projects that will propel a thriving HealthTech industry in Israel. The learning and action of this network focuses on key ecosystem drivers: management talent & skills, policy & regulation, tech transfer, funding, data collaboration and infrastructure.
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I only understood the full impact of 8400 after the Fellowship concluded, when I went back to my day-to-day life and started to envision the ways the Network could make my dreams reality.
The pieces suddenly fell into place - with meetings, visits and connections through 8400, which led to the creation of small volunteer working groups spearheading projects that the hospital system was unable to lead on its own, in full partnerships with outstanding and pivotal individuals.
Prof. Idit Matot. Director; Anesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care Division, Director General Surgery Division. Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
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